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Hi Karen, Thank you for being so welcoming and encouraging, and also for sending me all these resources to check out. That's helpful!  I also took a look at your website. You have had a very rich life in music and a wonderful career! Impressive and fun. I am impressed that you enjoy teaching all ages (lucky for me)!

I am very thankful for you as my musical mentor.  You are incredibly patient even when I haven't fulfilled my responsibilities with practice.  You always inspire me to persevere.  


Karen is the best of the best, patient and kind. Can’t wait to continue our lessons.


My son had a great first lesson with Karen and is excited to learn to tune his hammered dulcimer and begin playing. Karen has a natural gift as a teacher and great demeanor. Our family is looking forward to working with her in the future.


Hey Karen,  I just wanted to thank you.  I had rehearsal last night and I focused on what you taught me.  What a different experience!  After only a few lessons I'm very excited at the improvement so far ,and I know we have barely scratched the surface.  Have a nice weekend and thank you.


I've had about 12 lessons with Karen so far. Out of the few guitar teachers I've gone to in my life, Karen is definitely my favorite. She is super encouraging, patient, and careful about details. We started off by guitar basics.  Just what I needed.  She was very flexible and encouraging to incorporate singing into the lessons, which helps a lot. Also, she's generally a good person and it's easy to feel comfortable around her -- in the past I have sometimes been so nervous around previous instructors that I could hardly play a note. Not so this time -- I am very happy with the lessons because I feel like I am making progress. Learning to play guitar is a dream of mine and with Karen I feel like I'll get there!


I had no confidence whatsoever in my vocal ability, however singing was something I always wanted to try. I took the plunge and began vocal lessons with Karen. She was very knowledgeable and patient, and it was a lot of fun, too.



Hi Karen D! I'd like to connect you with my friend and colleague Liz B. Liz is a mover and shaker and has to talk a lot. Lately her voice has been strained and she hasn't been able to recover it. You helped Heather so much I'd like to introduce you to Liz who I think perhaps could find great value on your voice coaching and help so she can get back on the road to voice health and using her voice properly.  Liz is in NYC and a good person to know.

Liz--meet Karen DeBiasse. She is in the Boston area and is a musician with a long time cool band called a Girl on Top. I met her when I ended up using a bunch of their songs in a feature film I coproduced several years ago. We have become friends.  Anyway she super helped Heather with her voice like a voice whisperer and I know she can help you. She does this professionally. Hope this is a useful connection for you both!

Karen was so nice and welcoming. She made my daughter feel very comfortable and she was very easy going and patient. We truly enjoyed meeting her and my daughter enjoyed her first lesson.


This was my first harp lesson after many years, and I was afraid I couldn't do it. Karen relaxed me immediately and encouraged me. I walked out of there pretty excited and very much encouraged! I look forward to my next lesson!

Ok, so I never expected to find Dante mentioned online - wrong. I studied with him in Boston in 1971, 72 and 73.  I got an amazing range and would be interested in a refresher since I have forgotten some things, and need the back of the lungs exercise again.  My style is much more classical than yours but we know that it doesn’t matter with Dante’s teaching.  Live in NH, but we can do Skype.


Karen I rehearsed with my band on Saturday and after only two lessons with you I already see I have more power and stamina.


Karen DeBiasse is the numero uno female rock singer in Boston.


Karen made the lesson fun and highly personalized.  Karen wanted to know about my current skills and what I wanted to achieve.  She then based our lessons on this information.  Excellent!



I don't know how much you remember of me, but you were my favorite voice teacher!  I adored you and hope all the best for you!  I used to walk across Copley Square to your studio for my classes.  I remember vividly and I also remember my homework.  I will always recommend you highly. Next to my band director you were always my best teacher.  Know what?  Love you Karen!  You are the best!  I wish every great thing for you.



Karen is an amazing teacher. She's patient, hard-working and dedicated. She has a lot of musical background experience and knowledge. She's also a cool person!



In American Idol, Haley did great on her solo, clearly the best.  I was really impressed.  I hope you are doing well…we will see you at the next lesson.



Karen is a great teacher.  She is extremely patient and encouraging.  She also has a great method in building up strong muscles for singing. When I first met her, I could barely match the notes. She encourages me all the time and guides me through the tough period. Now I can match up to High C. She is also very great at guitar, and has a very good way teaching. I really love her.



Thank you so much for the encouragement. I didn't get much of it when I was growing up, that's probably why I never put any effort in pursuing my dream of becoming a musician. I am going to use your time for deeper understanding.  I wasted a lot of time in the past I could of been much more educated by now if only i would have focused and pushed myself. Our time together made me realize many things about myself what I should have done in the past and that I'm very impatient. That's probably the main cause of why I never bothered learning anything worth learning... I admire people like yourself who encourage artists to do what they love.  Thanks again.



Karen is an awesome teacher with patience and excellent methods to help people sing.  She taught me the singing techniques, and most importantly gave me confidence to face my weakness and sing once more.  Patient, nice, and remarkable capability.



Thank you for being such a great teacher and friend!



Thanks for all your help. It has been a revelation.



I finally took your advice and have been doing my practicing every day. As a result, my choir director, Wendy, came up to me after the service and said, "You might become the lead soprano singer if you keep working with that singing teacher of yours.



Back from a week in New England...great trip...both reunion shows went very well...the audiences loved us.  Thanks for your help in getting my voice ready.  We had five hour rehearsals last Monday and Tuesday, and then shows on Wednesday and Thursday.  My voice was stronger Thursday night than any of the three previous nights.  That's a tribute to you and Dante, and I am grateful. Take care, and let's stay in touch...



Thank you for all you’ve taught me.  I know your way is the real way.  I hope to have the opportunity to learn more from you in the future.  You’re the best!



Hey Karen! How are you? I went to rehearsal tonight and what's coming out of me keeps getting better.  Just the look on everyone's face when I sang was awesome.  More importantly, I can finally express everything inside me.  Thank you so much! There's so much I want to go over with you.  I'm your biggest fan!  Thanks is not enough.



I know with the voice and lessons it can be like anything else one needs to improve, two steps forward one step back.  However, I have to tell you, I have really made a breakthrough in the last week, starting last Thursday.  For some reason "all of a sudden" my voice is stronger, clearer, I don't get hoarse as quickly, I can sing longer, harder and higher.  My voice isn't so raspy the next morning, on and on.  Yeah -- the lessons are really working, as I believed they would.  Bless you and the spirit of Dante.



I threw Dante's name into the search engine and found you.  My sister, Tina Sanderson, quit high school in 1967 and moved from Long Island to Boston and found Dante.  I was at Berklee at the time for flute.  I was amazed what he did to her already fabulous voice!  When Grace Slick (Jefferson Airplane/Starship) went to prison, they asked Tina to fill in, but then decided not to do anything until Grace was out.  Unfortunately, two days before recording for Irwin Levine (Tie A Yellow Ribbon....) she died in a car accident.  Anyway, I am very happy to see that Dante's message is not lost with the Master.  I will keep you in mind for anyone wanting the best techniques. 



Hello Karen, I found your site through a google search of Dante. I was thinking about him and thought I’d see what I could find. Yours was the first site that turned up and I was very happy to have found it. Even back in 1981 and 1982, when I was with him, Dante was looking for a successor. I’m very glad to have found you. I am also a bit envious that you were wise enough to stay with him until the end. It was my every intention to do that, however, as a teen at the time on my own living in Boston, I let certain emotional issues cloud my judgment and left Dante in 1982 and came back to New Jersey.  I must say that I was filled with sadness to find that Dante passed in 1997 and that I made no effort to contact him or study further before that time.  What an opportunity it was ever to have met the man!  I was with him for a year and applied his method for many years after.  I’ve recently gotten back more into singing, I am a guitarist as well, and probably would want to start lessons with you. I was a voice major at Rowan University for a year and half, but actually would rather study by Dante method. Dante was very dear to me. I loved him very much. The year with him was one of the best times of my life with some of the fondest memories.



Hi Karen glad you had a great gig.  The lessons are helping me so much.  I didn't sleep at all last night, and I felt like crying!  I went to my second project today and I think there is an ungodly potential there.  I did a little recording last night (just me) so you could hear what you never hear in lessons.  I am the singer I always wanted to be thanks to you and I know it's only going to get better!  



Karen, even though it was short lived, coming to you for lessons was one of the best things I've done. It's really gotten me back on track. Dante's scales are so balanced.  I can sing all night again and feel nothing in my throat. When I went to university, the vocal scales weren't balanced. Dante's balances the e's with the ah's and when you got that, you've got it all. This is how I remember it as it used to be.  As I said before, I'll be back.



Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson with great encouragement. You are the best music teacher I could ever imagine.  How I wish I had met you earlier. 


Karen D is a wonderful, sensitive, teacher, who will work with you no matter what style of singing you prefer. For over 6 years I have taken voice from her and my range and confidence increased by leaps and bounds!



Karen is a committed, dedicated and extremely talented teacher. The unique techniques I learned in studying with her have greatly improved my singing,  the quality of my voice, and my range is far greater.  I am able to sing notes I would not have thought possible.  Karen loves what she does and every lesson has been an extremely enjoyable learning experience.



Dear Karen, I wanted to thank you for teaching me.  I'm very happy that I decided to take lessons with you and I was able to achieve my goal.  Before I came to you I was not happy with my singing when I hit Bb above middle C and up, but I feel more comfortable with those notes after the lessons with you, and of course, doing the exercises and scales does wonders.  You even got me to vocalize an octave above that Bb and beyond in less than six weeks.  What I've learned is so precious, because it's not something you can learn by reading, but it's something I could only learn by actually having someone coach me in physical coordination.  It was a very interesting experience and a hard work.  I sing almost everyday, so I do notice the difference in my voice from day to day.  Thank you so much.



Karen has been an amazing teacher. I have taken piano, guitar and voice lessons from her for over the past year. I had no prior musical knowledge (or native ability) but yet within 4 months she coached me through preparation for a show singing and accompanying on guitar.  While I have much to learn I feel that Karen, with her dedication to her students and wonderful teaching ability, has truly helped me to succeed beyond my wildest expectations.



Dear Karen,  So happy to see you're still doing great! I could never in words express my gratitude towards you for teaching me about music, life, and piano... as well as the wonderful course for drums and everything else. Thank you.



Hi Karen, Thank you so much for being such a great mentor and friend of mine:)  Thanks for inspiring and encouraging me all the time.  Love you.


Thank you so much for your wonderful lessons with great encouragement. You are the best music teacher I could ever imagine. How I wish I had met you earlier. 


Hey, "Coach" -- hope this finds you well.  We played two shows in Vermont two weekends ago, and my voice was excellent.  I've been diligently doing my scales, my stretching exercises, and singing rock songs about 45 minutes a day since the book launch party last August, and it really paid off.  I sang lead on two songs I couldn't even reach last summer. And I sang our "signature" song, "All Along The Watchtower" probably better than I ever sang it back in the 60s and 70s. My voice held up through two rehearsals, two sound checks, and two shows, and was stronger at the end than at the start.  In fact, we had a jam session after the second gig and I sang "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder and I have never been able to do that one.  So, thanks to you and our dear, departed Dante.



Just wanted you to know that I have continued to work on what you taught me with excellent results. This past August, at the book launch party, I sang lead on a song which I could not do in 2010 (and I could hardly have done any of my leads in 2010 without your help).  In the six months since the book launch party I have done all my breathing exercises every day, except one single day, without fail. The result has been that as I sing along with records (which I do about 4-5 days a week) I can now do about a dozen leads on songs I sing with regularly, which I couldn't do six months ago in August.  Just wrote only to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your help and your teaching.  Clearly, the Dante method works for geezers, also.  I am amazed at what I can sing that I couldn't get to a year ago, or even 6 months ago. Plus, a couple of weeks ago I sang 11 days in a row (45 to 60 minutes each day) with no problems at all.  It's so much fun to be able to really sing again...:-)



I'm not sure if you remember me but I took web lessons with you about a year an half ago.  Life, however got in the way, and I had to stop.  My schedule is now much freer, and I happen to once again be on the same time zone that you are on. I was hoping to begin taking vocal lessons with you again. You are by far the best vocal teacher I have ever had, and my voice really misses your training.




I am happy to tell you about my experience and opinion of Karen. I have been taking voice with her since 1996.  I starting to sing in a choir as a soprano at my old church.  I struggled to hit the notes and in doing so was straining my vocal chords.  I went online to read about strained vocal chords and got scared when I read that they sometimes get nodules a need surgery.  I decided I wanted to learn proper technique and searched for a vocal teacher.  I read Karen’s bio and discovered that she too had suffered strained vocal chords and got relief through Dante Pavone’s method of teaching, and now she is certified to teach the same method.  Since I started with her I have no problem in my throat and i sing way better.  Even my body looks better because the exercises that the student does  strengthen the lower back so that it can support the ribs properly and has given me a better figure.  I still sing in a choir at my new church and i have gotten many compliments on my voice from many people.  At this point I will tell you that I do not practice all of the breathing and scales as often as I am supposed to due to my being a wife and mother of two teenagers, which keeps me very busy and running.  That said, I still have made great progress with Karen. Another more personal note is that a person would be hard-pressed to find another human being as loving as Karen.  She’s very caring beyond just voice lessons.  My husband has been taking drum lessons from her for three years now and he feels the same way about her, and he doesn’t usually trust people easily.  Karen is very well educated and very intelligent.  She is a tough but kind teacher.  She watches her student like a hawk and doesn’t miss a trick.  She corrects gently and never makes you feel badly about yourself.  She’s very encouraging. I try never to miss a lesson, because I always leave there in a better mood than when I arrive. I hope this helps you to decide.  You may think...whats with all of this breathing and posture? Trust the technique. It really works without pain or strain of the vocal chords, which means you can sing for the rest of her life and not just a couple years and have to quit due to nodules.



Forty years ago I was a lead singer in a New England rock band and I was tearing my throat up.  I was hoarse after every gig and regularly lost my voice entirely after two or three nights.  Then I became a pupil of Dante Pavone in Boston and a remarkable transformation occurred.  Dante’s method was hard work, and it depended on following his advice precisely.  But working with Dante I was able to correct my bad habits, improve the clarity, quality and range of my voice.  I could go seven nights in a row and not lose my voice.   Forty years later my band is getting back together for several reunion shows, but I have not sung professionally since 1971.  Fortunately, I found Karen DeBiasse, a protégé of Dante’s, and took webcam internet lessons (she is in Boston, I in Virginia).  All the benefits of the Pavone method re-appeared.  I gained back three octaves on my range and my clarity, strength and pitch all greatly improved.  The Dante Pavone method is still as great as ever and Karen is the ideal voice coach to teach it – a perfect blend of encouragement and pushing. 



Saturday, for the first time after studying with you for over three years and not practicing,  I forced myself to do what you have been telling me all along:  to practice.  The next day my husband came to the early church service with me and told me that when the choir sang the "anthem", which  is our main piece in the service, that he could really hear me and that I sounded really good. Then I had another small rehearsal afterwards with the choir for a new piece for future.  After that I was walking down the hall to leave and my choir director caught up to me and said, "You are sounding really good!"  I said, “Really?”  She affirmed, so i told her it was because my singing teacher is telling me I had better start doing my breathing exercise so i finally listened.  She said it was paying off.  Today I plan to do all 30 of each again.  As much as I don’t understand why it makes so much of a difference, I now know it works and I know also that you are a very smart and driven person and that you would never steer me wrong, so thanks.



I called my brother (he used to back up Taj Mahal) to ask about when Grace Slick studied with Dante.   When my sister was studying his method I met Dante once or twice.  At the time I was making costumes for the New York City Opera Company and was one of Beverly Sill's dressers.  Dante kept saying that Beverly was going to blow out her voice.  I remember that several opera singers used to sneak away from their appointed vocal coaches in NYC to catch some time with Dante.  Dante would have to cure all the vocal problems that their so called “famous” NY coaches were giving them.



I was thinking about Dante recently.  I just got a gig in Switzerland coming up in April and even though I'm a sax player (Berklee alumnus) I will be singing a concert there.  I pulled out all of my old hand written Dante notes and oddly I realized the system and its ease after twenty years.   What I'm saying is "voila" now it all came back to me and I’m singing with a fair amount of ease up into my head, stretching my range and feeling really great.  Anyway, I googled his name and your name came up associated with Dante's, and rightfully so.  I was always amazed by him, but now I'm amazed at what he was always trying to tell me even though he saw me as a great student.  I know that one website that came up under someone's name (associated with him) mentioned that he had passed away.  I think he was 76 when he taught me.  I remember he mentioned your name to me many times in the 80's.  I moved to LA after Berklee and I talked about him with the highest respect and felt very lucky to have studied for a long time with a genius and true master of the human anatomy.  Keep up the good work!  I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I'm glad you're carrying on his legend.



Every day, since studying with you, after I sing my voice is clearer and stronger when I am finished.  You’re a great teacher!



Thank you for all you’ve taught me.  I know your way is the real way.  I hope to have the opportunity to learn more from you in the future.  You’re the best!



I studied with one of the supposed most famous vocal teachers in America.  After a year of studying this particular method I couldn’t even get through one rehearsal or four songs at a gig with out vocal blow out.  When I came to Karen DeBiasse I had severe vocal damage from studying with this supposed other “famous” teacher”.   On the first lesson with Karen my voice was cured and after four lessons I played a gig and my voice felt better than before I started singing and the next day I was not hoarse at all.  This is the best vocal method I have ever studied in my life as I have studied with many other teachers before Karen that also damaged my voice.  If it weren’t for Karen and the Dante Pavone method I surely would not ever be able to sing.



My daughter did great on her solo, clearly the best.!  I was really impressed.  I hope you are doing well…



Had a great lesson with Karen today.  I expected the usual tongue and lip rolls and of course the long lectures on what to avoid to keep a good voice, but i got something much better. :)



I went to rehearsal tonight and what's coming out of me keeps getting better and better.  Just the look on everyone's face when I sang was awesome.  More importantly I can finally express everything inside me.  Thank you so much!   I'm your biggest fan!  Thanks is not enough.   



I just wanted to let you know that my gig on Saturday went GREAT!!!  My voice felt really good and I didn't feel strained at all.  I'm so glad I took the breathing exercises that you showed very seriously. I don't know where I'd be without you.



Once again you have my deepest thanks for what you've opened to me vocally.  I still can't believe it.  Every time I open my mouth to sing I get better and better!  Also, thank you very much for the great encouragement.



I just wanted to say again how happy I am that I met you.  My progress is more than I dreamed of and I know I'm not all the way yet.  I also have come to regard you as a friend.  I truly wish you all the success you dream of.  


Before studying with you I always felt like crying because I could never get my voice to work properly.  You have showed me the potential there.  I did a little recording last night so I could really hear the huge difference and in just a few lessons.  I am becoming the singer I always wanted to be thanks to you.  I know it's only going to get better!


My voice keeps getting better and better every day.  I would say that you have 100% given me all the ability and more than I could have dreamed of.  You definitely delivered the goods.  I've grown from skeptic to true believer.  The last two weeks, but especially the last couple of days, I have transformed into an altogether more dynamic singer with a pitch increase of at least an octave.  Every note becoming as soft or as loud as I want it to without strain or effort!  God bless you.  I know that it's going to only get better from here!  Did you ever see the matrix we're the guy says why oh why didn't I swallow the blue pill.  That's how i feel about my choice some twenty years ago or more, when I saw your add.  Also the changes in my physique are truly unbelievable too.  Anyway thanks so much and I look forward to seeing you next week.


Hello Karen, Life is stranger than fiction!! I played an outdoor gig today!  I sang for hours and had no problems.  Afterward everybody was all over me.  Makes all the sacrifice worth it.  I learned a lot today.  I sure hope it will continue.  I live for this.  Don't mean to sound like a broken record, but thanks so much for all you've given me the ability to do.  I'm everything and more that I always wanted to be.



I so much value everything I've learned from you and I always looked forward to my lesson.  You are a very gifted teacher and your technique has really made a difference in my voice.  I never thought I could hit high C so effortlessly.  Thank you, Karen.



It was great getting the first lesson from you.  Saw how you rock from Dante's point of view.


Karen, You are wonderful. I love your personality and your lessons.  I talk about you and your method to all my friends and co-workers and will always recommend you to anyone who’s interested in lessons.


Hi Karen, we're moving to New Hampshire tomorrow :-)  We're going to miss you a lot!  You have played a very positive role in Brendan's life and for that I will always be grateful.  I wish you nothing but happiness.  Warm Regards.



You have been such a blessing. I believe people don't just come into your life by accident.



Karen, coming to you for lessons was one of the best things I've ever done. 


I enjoy the music instruction and guidance which shows progress in a short amount of time.  I have explored rhythm, melody, and harmony with various instruments for resemblance. Her personal studio at home is great for this.





Karen is not only a GREAT teacher, but she cares about her students and gives a lot of information in her lessons. You won't be disappointed!

Thank you.  Great teacher.

Wonderful person who gets the mission accomplished with doing your best....

Hi, Glad to see that your still teaching! I took lessons from you back in 1986-88ish. I remember your band Siren. I'm in Dallas TX now. Too bad, I would love to have my 10 year old daughter take lessons from you. She has a great natural voice but needs some of those killer exercises that you teach. I wished I remembered all of them. You were, and I'm sure still are, a great teacher. Maybe you have an online option? Please let me know. Thank you.

Hi Karen:  I’m a musician/composer/songwriter in NYC.   Back in the 70’s, in Boston.  I took vocal lessons from Dante also.   My lesson was right before Tom Hamilton of Arrowsmith..  Yes, Dante was all that you mentioned and more.  a character.. He was incredibly knowledgeable.  He stressed to me the psychology of singing, and what I felt about myself, and who I was..  I had to be liberated and accepting of myself totally to let my voice find it’s place..  oh yes, and all those scales and breathing. He told me about the Beatles contacting him.  I was a barely adequate singer, but he got my voice to an acceptable level..  I moved to NYC, later and was overwhelmed by the many stellar singers, so I turned more to composing, and had dropped out of bands all together. Dante just crossed my mind this morning. And it was so nice to see a footnote about him on the internet.  I wish you continued success in your field of expertise.

These are my Top 10 Favorite Female Singers. Number "1" being my all time favorite. The remaining 9 are in no particular order. There are many more but here are 10 of the best for my taste. Karen is an incredible song writer, with a beautiful voice; unique, soulful and from the heart.
1. Karen DeBiasse  
2. Joan Baez
3. Edith Piaf
4. Emmy Lou Harris
5. Christine McVie
6. Linda Ronstadt
7. Buffy Saint Marie
8. Sandy Denny
9. Joni Mitchell
10.Billie Holiday

Kaen you are REALLY TALENTED  and more important you are REAL and SUPER DUPER NICE. 

For two years I could not get a single sound out of a Bagpipe.

I tried everything including multiple different reeds, sanding and shaving reeds; still no sound would come out of the instrument.  After only five minutes with Karen I got a sound and am happily playing Bagpipes now!  Thank you so much!

Karen is incredibly talented and kind. She has a methodical approach to her teaching, which took my voice in a direction I never thought possible. Her method and drills are derived from a deep knowledge as to what exactly happens when a man or woman opens up their voice to sing. Beyond her music capabilities, you'll meet a very bright, warm individual that knows how to make you feel comfortable and at ease. Thanks Karen!

Thank you so much, Pessie really enjoyed her first lesson and we are looking forward to next week!

I am very impressed with you!  You radiate kindness and positivity.  Just want to wish you happiness and good luck in everything and remain the same wonderful person.

Thank you Karen!  Your music, voice and stage presence is spectacular.  Amazing how you know all those instruments!That's insane I've never met someone like you!  You shine so bright.  Nothing will stop you.  Much love and blessings.

You are talented and gifted with music.  You and the whole band.

I look forward to taking lessons on Skype and also coming into your studio.   

Thank you for getting me started w/ accordion instruction. Your encouragement is inspiring, and I love your clear & direct approach. You are a great teacher. Thank you, again! 👍😊👍

Karen is an excellent teacher. Very clear. Great method and a fun teacher.

Hi Karen, I've recorded "I'm Your Man".  I can hear more emotion in my voice than before.  It feels like there is more space to relax into the song.  

Karen, You are wonderful!  I love your personality and lessons a lot.  I talk about you and your method to all my sewing students and will always recommend you to anyone who's interested in lessons.

Great instrucot that knows when to challenge me with new skills.  Karen keeps me excited and engaged for each lesson on the concertina.  She is extremely patient and kind while still giving clear direction.

I must say Karen is a lot of fun to work with and makes me so happy!  She is terrific and make my day.  Hugs to you.

Karen you are such a remarkable person.  I can't wait to come back and take my next lesson and reach the top!   You are an inspiration.  I love you and the person who trained you:

The Italian Dante Pavone.  I reach to your heart for I am so grateful.   God Bless You.

The teacher is willing to help the students a lot however and is great at coordinating a lesson plan. The instructor knows perfectly the needs of the student therefore can pigeonhole the teaching system that has to be implemented.

Thank you Karen for my first lesson. I like your teaching style, making sure I read and understand what I am reading. I look forward to our next lesson.

Karen was very personable and professional. We got off to a good start.

I absolutely recommend Karen DeBiasse for the teaching. I have been a voice student of hers for the last year. What makes her stand out for me is her patience and methods of teaching and the depth of her proficiency with so many instruments. 

Karen is an excellent multi instrumentalist with many years of experience and knowledge of music. She also enjoys what she does and makes learning fun for all levels of students.

The Music Lesson was a great experience, now I got the rhythm and solos....Thanks Again!

Thank you, Karen! I have learned so much with this first round of lessons 👍👏🙏

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